
IoT example

Get the datatset from here: iot_dataset.ttl


The dataset contains 69 individuals that describe an IoT system based on the schema illustrated above. A high level IoT deployment plan (HomeMonitoringHighLevelPlan) contains a series of steps including Collect Data, Data Processing, Storage, Data Visualisation , and Data Anonymisation. The Collect Data step is further decomposed into a subplan executed by an IoT device (IoT collector Plan). This plan contains steps for collecting temperature and Co2 data and steps for uploading collected readings to the cloud. The dataset contains Two execution traces, one of which represents a failed execution, terminated at the point of Data Collection.

Note on coverage of EP-Plan terms: This dataset does not include Variable used by more than one plan and their corresponding instantiations linked via the prov:mentionOf mechanism. See the Workflow Dataset for example usage of those terms.

Executing queries

Make sure that you start a resoner as the competency questions make use of inverse properties.
Note: At the moment, JENA doesn't resolve imports with URIs from w3id.org properly so to load EP-PLAN into your OntModel link directly to one of the download locations on GITHUB for EP-PLAN with PROV-O alignments. You might have the same issues with older versions of Protege.

Competency Questions results

Competency questions were first checked manually in Protege with the help of FACT++ reasoner and SnapSPARQL plugins.

JENA-generated results

Results of executing competency questions against the test dataset can be found HERE.