
Scientific Workflow example

Get the datatset from here: wf_dataset.ttl


The dataset contains 33 individuals that describe a workflow for calculating pumping budget using a hydrology model. A high level Create Budget plan (CreateBudgetHighLevelPlan) contains a single multi step Execute Hydrology Model that produces teh Budget Variable. This step is further decomposed into a subplan Estimate Pumping Budget Plan. This plan contains steps for collecting well data and calculating the pumping budget. The dataset contains two execution traces, one of which represents a failed execution, terminated at the point of Collect Well Data.

Note on coverage of EP-Plan terms: This dataset does not include Communication Specification, Policy, and Multi Variable. see the IoT System Dataset for example usage of those terms.

Executing queries

Make sure that you start a resoner as the competency questions make use of inverse properties.
Note: At the moment, JENA doesn't resolve imports with URIs from w3id.org properly so to load EP-PLAN into your OntModel link directly to one of the download locations on GITHUB for EP-PLAN with PROV-O alignments. You might have the same issues with older versions of Protege.

Competency Questions results

Competency questions were first checked manually in Protege with the help of FACT++ reasoner and SnapSPARQL plugins.

JENA-generated results

Results of executing competency questions against the test dataset can be found HERE.